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Tevfik Kinik
Heinz Bednar
Jerome Booth, Ph.D.
İlhami Koç
Krisztina Kozma
Neil Withers
Pasquale Diana
Jesmin Rahman
Sevki Acuner
Attila Köksal
Petr Koblic
Nikolaos Porfyris
Ertunc Tumen
Carlos Von Hardenberg
Peter Taylor
Mihail Ion
Tevfik Eraslan
Alexandra Richter
Lydia Malakis
Valerie Bannert
3rd CEE Investment Conference
Event Introduction:
CFA Society Istanbul proudly presents the Third International Central and Eastern European Investment conference to be held at Is Sanat Hall, ranked among the most prestigious culture and art centers of Turkey, in Istanbul on November 7th 2014.
Amid the mixed signs of recovery and changing political and market dynamics, investment professionals, academics, market authorities and many more including business media will gather in Istanbul to talk about the "The Road to Prosperity in CEE Region."
Conference Topic
CEE Investment Conference will gather over 300 leaders of the largest Turkish and foreign financial institutions, international investment banks and funds, professional consultants and financial market specialists, as well as representatives of the major business mass media to discuss actual topics of investment potential of the CEE region.
The one-day conference will feature four panel discussions on the following topics:
- The macroeconomic climate in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE),
- The potential for collaboration on development of financial markets in CEE Region,
- The future of asset managemet industry as a channel to finance the growth in the region,
- The investment opportunities in CEE from the asset managers' perspective.
First CEE Investment Conference took place in Bucharest in April 2012, Second in Moscow in April 2013, gathering over 300 influential investment professionals concentrating on the region.
The conference is organized by CFA Society Istanbul.
CFA Society Istanbul is a non-profit organization aiming to spread professionalism and ethicals standards within the finance industry. The society was founded in 2003 and is a member society of CFA Institute. It is committed to leading the development of the investment industry through the promotion of the highest ethical standards and through the provision of education, professional development, advocacy, information and career support on behalf of its members.