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Tevfik Kinik
Heinz Bednar
Jerome Booth, Ph.D.
İlhami Koç
Krisztina Kozma
Neil Withers
Pasquale Diana
Jesmin Rahman
Sevki Acuner
Attila Köksal
Petr Koblic
Nikolaos Porfyris
Ertunc Tumen
Carlos Von Hardenberg
Peter Taylor
Mihail Ion
Tevfik Eraslan
Alexandra Richter
Lydia Malakis
Valerie Bannert
Jerome Booth, Ph.D., Author of "Emerging Markets in an Upside Down World: Challenging Perceptions in Asset Allocation and Investment"

Head of New Sparta Limited and former head of research at Ashmore Group, Dr. Booth holds a Ph.D. and Ph.M. in economics from Oxford University he is also the principal shareholder of the Lloyds, chairman of Walpole Holdings LLC, and chairman of New Call Telecom. Dr. Booth is a visiting professor at Cass Business School. Dr. Booth previously served as a lecturer in economics at Oxford University. He is the author of Emerging Markets in an Upside Down World: Challenging Perceptions in Asset Allocation and Investment.