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Tevfik Kinik
Heinz Bednar
Jerome Booth, Ph.D.
İlhami Koç
Krisztina Kozma
Neil Withers
Pasquale Diana
Jesmin Rahman
Sevki Acuner
Attila Köksal
Petr Koblic
Nikolaos Porfyris
Ertunc Tumen
Carlos Von Hardenberg
Peter Taylor
Mihail Ion
Tevfik Eraslan
Alexandra Richter
Lydia Malakis
Valerie Bannert
Jesmin Rahman, Deputy Chief of Emerging Europe Division, IMF

Jesmin Rahman is the Deputy Chief of Emerging Europe Division in the IMF's European Department. She has worked on Central, Eastern and Southeastern European countries for a number of years. Her research interests include trade integration, supply chains, competitiveness and sustainable financing of development. Prior to joining the Fund, she worked in the World Bank’s Middle East region and was assistant professor of economics at The American University in Washington DC.