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Tevfik Kinik
Heinz Bednar
Jerome Booth, Ph.D.
İlhami Koç
Krisztina Kozma
Neil Withers
Pasquale Diana
Jesmin Rahman
Sevki Acuner
Attila Köksal
Petr Koblic
Nikolaos Porfyris
Ertunc Tumen
Carlos Von Hardenberg
Peter Taylor
Mihail Ion
Tevfik Eraslan
Alexandra Richter
Lydia Malakis
Valerie Bannert
Lydia Malakis, Relationship Director, Global Financial Institutions Group at Schroders

Responsible for managing the global relationship with a group of strategic clients to build long term partnerships for global distribution of mutual funds, long term savings, investment, pension and life wrapped products. She holds a BA in Economics from Harvard University and a MBA in Finance from Cass Business School. She Joined Schroders in 2004 as corporate analyst to the Vice Chairman and Plc Managing Director. In 2007, she moved to the Multi Asset team as product manager for the Multi-Manager fund range. Previously, she was the lead fund manager for the General Bank of Greece in their European Equity and Global Equity products. Deputy Head for Central, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, based in London, 2010-1013, Heads the business for Schroders in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Romania and Hungary since 2008.