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Tevfik Kinik
Heinz Bednar
Jerome Booth, Ph.D.
İlhami Koç
Krisztina Kozma
Neil Withers
Pasquale Diana
Jesmin Rahman
Sevki Acuner
Attila Köksal
Petr Koblic
Nikolaos Porfyris
Ertunc Tumen
Carlos Von Hardenberg
Peter Taylor
Mihail Ion
Tevfik Eraslan
Alexandra Richter
Lydia Malakis
Valerie Bannert
Nikolaos Porfyris, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Athens Exchange Group

Nikolaos Porfyris has been with the Athens Exchange Group since 1998 in a number of positions, as Head of Research, Director of Business Development of Derivatives Market, Director of International Affairs and Director of the Central Registry. He previously worked with Fimat- Societe Generale Group and HSBC James Capel as quantitative analyst, derivatives analyst and research and dealing, respectively. He has a first class BS in Physics (University of Athens), PhD in Electrical Engineering (University of Edinburgh) and MBA (Edinburgh University Management School).